LUXURY LIVING, OUTDOORS | (480) 777-9305

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Custom backyard design with hanging plants, fire table and outdoor seating area.

4 Great Ideas for Better Outdoor Living

When the weather warms, spring in Arizona is a beautiful time of year. The desert flowers start blooming, the sky is crystal clear, and it’s during this wonderful period where we love to get outside the most. A great way to capitalize on our mild climate is by setting up an outdoor environment akin to an indoor living room. 

At Creative Environments, we are all about crafting seamless spaces that enable you to live your best life. Several ways we encourage our clients to take advantage of their properties is by putting together an intentional space designed to entertain or relax. Here are a few of our favorite ideas that can help boost your outdoor living environments:

Outdoor Kitchen
Cooking outdoors can be fun, even when camping, but cooking outdoors in a full-on kitchen environment is just flat-out fantastic. Picture a kitchen complete with a beautiful island space, a sink, stove, oven, and all the works you need to whip up a delicious meal for family or friends. 

Dining Table
A spacious dining table under a pergola, tucked in a corner on a deck, or out in the sun is a great place to take meals solo or with the neighbors. Dining outside in a beautiful backyard lends a certain satisfaction and almost magic to the eating experience. 

Fire Pit
A fireplace not only offers warmth but serves as a great place to collect for stories, intimate conversations, and a good beverage. Boost your outdoor time by investing in a custom fire pit that can be used year round. 

Water Features

Employing more than just a pool or spa can lend an outdoor environment with a peaceful and rejuvenating vibe. A waterfall, scuppers, or a gentle landscaped brook can all set the stage for a relaxing environment that helps you melt away your stress.

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