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Your Outdoor Spring Cleaning Checklist

Your Outdoor Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring will be here before you know it! Now is the best time to get prepared. At Creative Environments, we count spring as one of our favorite times of year. Here’s a handy checklist to help prepare for your outdoor spring cleaning. As the weather gives way to warmth, chances are that you are going to want to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

To prepare, we recommend starting off by doing one comprehensive tour of your outdoor environment. Walk the perimeter of your fence line and check any outdoor structures for degradation or signs of decay and neglect.

Next, tackle the gutters in advance of spring showers. You’ll want to remove any leaves, sticks and debris that can obstruct clear drainage. Not only will this ensure that your gutter system lasts longer, but it can keep moisture from damaging your house. This outdoor spring cleaning hack will assist in keeping a safe, clean environment for the monsoon season to come.

Furthermore, pressure washing quickly removes debris from various surfaces, like your patio deck, house exterior, and driveway, helping you kick off outdoor spring cleaning with a bang!

We tend to move to the yard next. Although it’s early to plant for spring, it’s the perfect time to prepare your beds and plan for the year’s best blooms. Aerating any green space is critical to restoring oxygen, water, and sunlight to winter damaged areas. As for trees and shrubs, prune any dead or damaged branches as well as check for any frost damage.

As the days start to get longer, you’ll find yourself lingering in your outdoor spaces more. This means that you should double check lighting issues now. Since lighting is such a key component to ambiance, you want to get this one right.

Last but not least, if you have a pool or spa, it’s never too early to give it a little TLC. Check your water chemistry, adjust balances, remove debris, and run your filtration system to maintain healthy water.

If you’re looking to add something new to your space or want more tips on outdoor spring cleaning, contact us today!

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